The simple pleasure of knitting by hand never gets old, but as technology advances the way we learn, modern-day knitters need tools that keep pace. We envision a future where innovation and smarter tools make knitting easier, knitters happier and knitting friendships stronger.
Knitting has long been popular with people from all walks of life, and we’ve heard countless stories of the craft handed down through family members, sharing not just a skill but a relational bond. Despite its industrialization, feelings of meditation, accomplishment and grounding continue to encourage people to knit by hand, as traditional crafts offer an escape from our busy, modern lives and back to simple joys.
But that doesn’t mean technology can’t enhance knitting while honoring its roots. Through smarter tools, we can bring knitting closer to its essence; a straight-forward, easy activity for all to enjoy.
Cue Knitrino, an innovative app that meets the needs of modern-day knitters. We provide interactive patterns and tutorials optimized for a mobile device to uncomplicate your knitting experience and enhance your knits. Aspiring or seasoned, our app empowers knitters to hone and develop their skills, and be a part of a community that values crafting by hand.
Founded by knitting sisters, Alison and Andrea, our platform retains the sense of family and community central to this craft. As well as using technology to help knitters with their designs, our app is a place for people to share their knowledge, connect and feel part of a wider group of makers with at least one thing in common; a passion for knitting. It’s our goal to make it easy for people to return to making, reconnect with their roots and feel present in this world we live in.
Threaded into the fabric of our lives is the desire to create and connect, and knitting, in its most simple form, gives us all the opportunity to do so.
Our Values
We believe Black lives matter, and that every American should be equally afforded the rights guaranteed to them by our Constitution. We are committed to diversity & inclusion and to the work of antiracism.
We believe in love and firmly support LGBTQ+ rights.
In simplifying the knitting process, we leave knitters feeling equipped and confident to knit with ease.
We utilize technology to enhance an age-old craft. We believe through smarter tools we can revolutionize the industry and meet the needs of the modern-day knitter.
Knitting has long been popular with people from all walks of life, and ours is a welcoming space that values diversity and inclusion.
By nurturing our creative sides, we tap into the instinctive human desire to make. This gives us all the opportunity to hone our skills, connect to what we are making, to ourselves and to the world around us.
Give Back
We believe that we all thrive when we lift each other up, and are committed to creating good in the local and global communities in whatever ways we are able.
The Knitting Sisters
Alison Yates,
Alison is a serial entrepreneur looking to solve problems knitters face. In addition to CEOing, she is the company’s Chief Shenanigan Officer.
Andrea Cull, Chief Knitting Officer
Andrea is an up-and-coming knitwear designer who has published extensively in industry-leading books & magazines, and independently as well. Her innovative ideas for how technology can improve the knitting world are the foundation of Knitrino.